Reverb Nation Flash Player (07.12.09 - 12.19.09)


Reverb Nation Flash Player (12.19.08 - 07.11.09)



Hey, here's the deal!

So I'm learning how to run and operate a blog.  You all have many options with this blog.  You can play many of my songs with the pink flash player at the top of the site.  Clicking on the actual song will direct you to my page where you can download any of the tracks for free.  Clicking on the little triangle to the right of the title will play the song from the pink flash player--keeping you in the blog.  

You can also watch videos from my blog that I've embedded on the blog.  I'm thinking of taking off the YouTube videos but keeping the blue YouTube Player that I have at the bottom.  The blue YouTube player will play all of the videos I've uploaded into my YouTube account.  This will keep me from having to embed a new video on the blog all the time.... I don't really know which direction I should go with that... What do you think?  I could also upload a video directly into the blog... but that just seems like an extra step.


Dean said...

You going to be doing a new post with every video?

Bryce McCormick said...

Hey Dean... Yeah I think I will do a new post with every video or every song... just to let the subscribers know what to look for... Thanks for posting!!

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